Training Directory
Welcome to the Training Directory. All training programmes currently running in Glasgow can be found here! Click which stage you are to look at the different options for you.
Stage 1
If you think you might need some one-to-one support with an experienced coach, to help you consider your options and next steps, the On Route team is here to support you. When you’re working with a coach, they will help you build your confidence and skills and knowledge to help prepare you for the future. Follow this link to find out more on the On Route page.
Stage 2
If you’re comfortable working with others and want to develop your employability skills, gain knowledge about the world of work and learn how to access employment opportunities then Stage 2 is right for you. In most Stage 2 training programmes you will gain a qualification and possibly have the opportunity to do a work placement with an employer.
Stage 3
If you are ready for a work placement focussed programme and are confident, have good timekeeping skills, and feel ready for work, a Stage 3 is right for you. In addition, if you are looking for a more specialist programme (focused on something like hospitality, construction or social care) these can be found at Stage 3 level.
Stage 4
If you have completed a Stage 2 or 3 programme, or have previous work experience, a Stage 4 may be for you. These programmes mainly support you into a workplace and have you going out to work very quickly as they expect you to be work ready.
Stage 5
When you have found and secured employment this marks the end of your search journey and the beginning of a new chapter. Whilst this is an exciting transition we recognise it can be for some a time of anxiety or disappointment if the job is not what you were expecting. All training providers offer aftercare support during the stage 5 phase to help you settle into your new job. If you are experiencing any difficulties you should contact your employability support worker.